
  • Das Versprechen Durrenmatt Horbuch Kostenlos Download
    카테고리 없음 2020. 2. 10. 15:06

    A Swiss BanvilleShould a detective story have rational plot-appeal? Must the clues and hints left by the author lead anywhere? Are the aesthetics of a mystery dependent upon its conclusion? Friedrich Durrenmatt thought decidedly not.For Durrenmatt, it is the presence of the mystery itself, and its affect on those involved in it that is the point of the detective story. The details are important not because they add up to anything - although they might - but because the investigators are affected A Swiss BanvilleShould a detective story have rational plot-appeal? Must the clues and hints left by the author lead anywhere?

    Are the aesthetics of a mystery dependent upon its conclusion? Friedrich Durrenmatt thought decidedly not.For Durrenmatt, it is the presence of the mystery itself, and its affect on those involved in it that is the point of the detective story. The details are important not because they add up to anything - although they might - but because the investigators are affected by what they consider facts, whether they are factual or not. That the denouement has only peripheral relevance to the investigation is almost an aside.The rationale for this stance is that it is realistic.

    It is what police work is like. The narrator of the main part of the story insists that real investigation is conducted in a sea of chance.

    The investigative hypotheses that are formulated are at best stabs at a partial truth. Resolution, if it comes at all, is more likely to be the result of random events not deductive acumen.

    Clues, even relevant ones, are just as apt to lead to mis-direction.It takes an accomplished writer to be able to pull off this kind of poke in the eye to an established genre. Durrenmatt is such a writer. The Pledge brings to mind John Banville's Benjamin Black mysteries but with the style and panache of Banville's 'serious' novels. Like Banville's mysteries, The Pledge takes place in a formerly neutral country of the post-war period. There are similar tensions between country-side and town in both Switzerland and Ireland.

    And the protagonists in both are distinctly eccentric as well as heavy drinkers, lurking vaguely on the edge of respectable society.In short: An antidote to jaded tastes or boredom with your average murder mystery. الطريق إلى الوعد.نشرت صفحة دار الكرمة على صفحتها فيديو قصير للكاتب إبراهيم عيسى من برنامجه على الراديو، كان يستضيف فيه ضيفًا لا أعرفه، وعنوان الفيديو عن رواية اسمها ' الوعد' للكاتب السويسري فريدريش دورنمات صاحب رائعة زيارة السيدة العجوز، أشاهد الفيديو فيتحدث الضيف عن الرواية قائلًا: رواية الوعد من أعظم الأعمال البوليسية، فيقاطعه إبراهيم عيسى قائلًا: لأ لو سمحت، رواية 'الوعد' أعظم رواية بوليسية في التاريخ!

    وفي اليوم التالي اشتريت الرواية.' ليس كتابًا لأي شخص يحب النهايات المريحة: الجارديان'هذاالطريق إلى الوعد.نشرت صفحة دار الكرمة على صفحتها فيديو قصير للكاتب إبراهيم عيسى من برنامجه على الراديو، كان يستضيف فيه ضيفًا لا أعرفه، وعنوان الفيديو عن رواية اسمها ' الوعد' للكاتب السويسري فريدريش دورنمات صاحب رائعة زيارة السيدة العجوز، أشاهد الفيديو فيتحدث الضيف عن الرواية قائلًا: رواية الوعد من أعظم الأعمال البوليسية، فيقاطعه إبراهيم عيسى قائلًا: لأ لو سمحت، رواية 'الوعد' أعظم رواية بوليسية في التاريخ! وفي اليوم التالي اشتريت الرواية.' If you want the long review,I absolutely LOVED this book.

    The Pledge is a novel of one man's obsession; it is at the same time a critique of writers who pen detective fiction and mysteries. There's no heart-pounding plot here, just a very smooth narrative of a detective's obsession with solving a case based on a promise he made.

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    And though it was written a very long time ago, it is still a novel of great quality, 5-star reading material.I cannot recommend this novel highly eno If you want the long review,I absolutely LOVED this book. The Pledge is a novel of one man's obsession; it is at the same time a critique of writers who pen detective fiction and mysteries. There's no heart-pounding plot here, just a very smooth narrative of a detective's obsession with solving a case based on a promise he made. And though it was written a very long time ago, it is still a novel of great quality, 5-star reading material.I cannot recommend this novel highly enough - anyone who reads or writes crime fiction ought to give it a go. The device of framing a critique of detective novelists within the context of a detective novel is sheer genius. But even better, it provides a lot of food for thought for those of us who love crime fiction - what is it exactly we want in a good mystery or detective novel?

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    Are we content to accept the package all neatly tied in a bow when we know that in reality, not all things come to a conclusion? And what about those random elements of chance - are they dealt with in the fiction we read? The Pledge is absolutely stunning. Although it may have a bit of a philosophical bent that will be unappreciated by some readers, I think most people will find it fascinating. Just wow.In acest roman, scurt si intens ca un shot de tequila, Durrenmatt le da peste nas autorilor de romane politiste si ne demonstreaza cum munca de politist inseamna, de fapt, mult mai mult decat rationamente si indicii. Si ne arata cum, in realitate, intamplarea joaca un rol mult mai important decat s-ar crede. Uneori, chiar un rol hotarator.Avem deci de-a face cu un paradox: Fagaduiala este 100% fictiune, dar maiestria autorului imbraca romanul in haine de caz real.

    Haine care i se p Wow. Just wow.In acest roman, scurt si intens ca un shot de tequila, Durrenmatt le da peste nas autorilor de romane politiste si ne demonstreaza cum munca de politist inseamna, de fapt, mult mai mult decat rationamente si indicii.

    Si ne arata cum, in realitate, intamplarea joaca un rol mult mai important decat s-ar crede. Uneori, chiar un rol hotarator.Avem deci de-a face cu un paradox: Fagaduiala este 100% fictiune, dar maiestria autorului imbraca romanul in haine de caz real. Haine care i se potrivesc perfect.Recomand! I've read a lot of good things about this book in the past few years, perhaps because of the new translation by Joel Agee, and so I finally decided I shouldn't any longer delay reading it. Naturally, when my library ordered up a copy for me - nowhere in the libraries of this large and populous county of New Jersey was there one to be had - what arrived was an ancient and battered copy of the first US edition, translated by Richard and Clara Winston. Having read this version, I'm uncertain why I've read a lot of good things about this book in the past few years, perhaps because of the new translation by Joel Agee, and so I finally decided I shouldn't any longer delay reading it.

    Naturally, when my library ordered up a copy for me - nowhere in the libraries of this large and populous county of New Jersey was there one to be had - what arrived was an ancient and battered copy of the first US edition, translated by Richard and Clara Winston. Having read this version, I'm uncertain why a new translation was thought necessary; there's the occasional archaism that might have been edited out, but otherwise what's on offer is a supremely gripping narrative.A senior Zurich cop called Matthai is just about to resign his post in order to take up the important role of reorganizing the Jordanian police. He's called to a rural district not far from the city to investigate the savage murder of a little girl. Telling the distraught parents that their daughter is dead, he spontaneously gives his word that he'll catch the killer. Meanwhile his colleagues are bullying a confession out of an innocent man, who promptly hangs himself in his cell. Dissatisfied with this neat resolution and having through first-rate detection demonstrated beyond all doubt that the dead man was indeed innocent, Matthai abandons his plans to go to Jordan and instead buys a decrepit gas station near to where the murder was committed. There he lays a trap for the maniac.After having scripted the movie Es Geschah am Hellichten Tag (1958) Durrenmatt felt completely dissatisfied with its plot, in which Matthai's plan is successful, the killer is caught, and the audience goes home feeling that all's right with the world.

    He felt this ending was entirely artificial, and therefore wrote this short novel, Das Versprechen: Requiem auf den Kriminalroman (1958; vt The Pledge: Requiem for the Detective Novel), which has much the same sequence of events except that, although the killer is finally identified, it's years after his death and isn't at all the product of Matthai's work, no matter how brilliant and intellectually audacious that was. The whole effort of deduction has been, in fact, an exercise in futility that has destroyed Matthai and those around him.The tale's told as a narrative related to an unnamed mystery novelist by a cop he's met - Matthai's old boss, in fact - as an explanation of why the cop disparages mystery fiction in general. Yet there's also a suspicion, since the cop is identified only as 'M', that he may be pulling at least a few strands of wool over our eyes.Intriguingly, in light of its movie origins, the novel was adapted for the screen in 2001 as The Pledge by Sean Penn with an astonishing all-star cast; Penn gained a Palme d'Or nomination for the movie at Cannes.The Pledge is a splendid work, and I really shouldn't have neglected to read it for so long. I must now set about obtaining a copy for my shelves, because I'm bound to want to reread this. Of course, I'm not sure which translation to go for. This detective story was like a sneeze that never was.I have now read three of Friedrich's detective novels, and am about to finish the fourth, and I have to say they are getting more and more bizarre. The first one, Der Richter und sein Henker, condensed the plot into concentrate, was fast moving, and wasted nothing on ornamental back stories or other accidental trimmings.

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    The second, Der Verdacht, changed its mind on what it was half way through the story, and morphed from crime mystery to ps This detective story was like a sneeze that never was.I have now read three of Friedrich's detective novels, and am about to finish the fourth, and I have to say they are getting more and more bizarre. The first one, Der Richter und sein Henker, condensed the plot into concentrate, was fast moving, and wasted nothing on ornamental back stories or other accidental trimmings. The second, Der Verdacht, changed its mind on what it was half way through the story, and morphed from crime mystery to psychological thriller.And this one? Well, this one started out as a mystery, and sort of frizzled out at the end. Again I am mindful not to spoil the fun, so let me describe the reading experience you are going to have by analogy to a sneeze. We all know the sensation: we can feel a sneeze coming on, it is very faint at first, hardly noticeable in fact, but it is definitely there, and we recognise the feeling for what it is.

    Then it starts building, and we want it to build. We know that it needs to grow, to gain intensity, to reach the point where we can no longer contain the pressure.

    We know that if we do not allow it to grow, there will not be the satisfying, orgasmic release that terminates the sneeze, there will not be the cathartic closure that we crave, that we need. And there will be closure. We know, from experience, that it will come, and we know, again from experience, that it will make us feel good, satisfied, even though the satisfaction may be short-lived.So there we are, relishing the build up, enjoying the spasmodic dance as our heads rock up, squeezing our eyes firmly shut, inhaling deeply one last time to gather force for the final vigorous climax, the release that will end the pressure, melt the tension, and now it is here, and with a last convulsive heave - we lost the sneeze. It's gone, it never happened.

    All the anticipation, the struggle, the focus - it was for nothing. There is no release, no catharsis, no prize. There is only emptiness, and loss.And that is what this novel is. No hankies necessary.

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